
[January 2025] Prof. Park has recently been appointed as the Department Editor for the Data Analytics and Machine Learning in IISE Transactions. 

[December 2024] The lab is equipped with Virtual Reality Technology (VR/CAVE). It will allow us to visualize and interact with virtual (or computer) replicas of complex systems. 

[September 2024] Two PhD students joined our lab. Welcome Daniel and Yang. 

[June 2024] Our Jump Gaussian Process surrogate is applied to data-driven research on carbon nanotubes. The collaborative work with AFRL has been published in the journal Carbon

Waelder, R., Park, C., Sloan, A., Carpena-Núñez, J., Yoho, J., Gorsse, S., Rao, R. and Maruyama, B., 2024. Improved understanding of carbon nanotube growth via autonomous jump regression targeting of catalyst activity. Carbon, p.119356. 

[May 2024] Paper on active learning of jump regression receives honorable mention in IISE Transactions Best Application Paper Award. 

Park, C., Qiu, P., Carpena-Núñez, J., Rao, R., Susner, M., & Maruyama, B. (2023) Sequential adaptive design for jump regression estimation. IISE Transactions. 55(2): 111-128.

[January 2024] We moved to University of Washington. We are under major shifts in the research toward autonomy, cyber manufacturing and digital twins.

[September 2023] Our lab started a new industry project, in collaboration with Prof. Hui Wang (PI, FSU Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering) and Prof. Juan Ordonez (FSU Mechanical Engineering). 

Developing a Digital Twin to Automate the Detection of Anomalies When Operating Fired Heaters. Primoris Service Corporations. 

[September 2023] Our lab started a new sponsored research, in collaboration with Prof. Anuj Srivastava (FSU Statistics) and Prof. Peihua Qiu (UF Biostatistics). 

Data-Driven Adaptive Control of Shape Evolution with Regime Changes. Award No. FA9550-23-1-0673. Dynamical Systems and Control Theory Program. Air Force Office of Scientific Research.

[September 2023] Our research on Bayesian optimization for smart manufacturing is accepted for publication in IEEE T-ASE. 

Kang, B, Park, C, Kim, C & Hong, S (In Press) Bayesian optimization for the vehicle dwelling policy in a semiconductor wafer fab. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering

[September 2023] Our lab received a new funding from National Science Foundation, in collaboration with Prof. Yanshuo Sun (FSU Industrial and Manufacturing Eng). This will support education and research for underrepresented groups. 

Planning: HBCU-UP: Strengthening Data Science Research Capacity and Education Programs through Academia-Industry Partnership. Award No. NSF-2332161. Project Abstract 

[October 2022] Our research on Jump Gaussian Process is published in Journal of Machine Learning Research. 

Park, C. (2022) Jump Gaussian Process Model for Estimating Piecewise Continuous Regression Functions. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 23(278):1−37 (Paper

[August 2022] Our lab received a new funding from National Science Foundation, in collaboration with Prof. Anuj Srivastava @ FSU Statistics. 

New Data Science for Human Operational Analysis in Smart Manufacturing. Award No. NSF-2132311. Project Abstract

[August 2022] Our lab received a new funding from National Science Foundation, in collaboration with Prof. Robert Gramacy @ Virginia Tech. 

CDS&E/Collaborative Research: Local Gaussian Process Approaches for Predicting Jump Behaviors of Engineering Systems. Award No. NSF-2152655/2152679. Project Abstract, Companion Project  

[June. 2022] One paper from our group is highlighted as a featured article in the June 2022 issue of ISE magazine.

[April. 2022] Former member Dr. Chen Mu is highlighted for his study and experience by the Data Science Program at Florida State University. 

He is currently Sr. Data Scientist at Circle K. Congratulations! Here you can read Press Release.

[April. 2022] Rifat in our group accepted a summer internship offer with Small Molecule Pharmaceutics Science Group at Genentech. 

He will work on a topic of materials imaging and statistical shape analysis for Summer 2022. Congratulations!

[April. 2022] Park delivered a seminar talk at  Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Seoul National University. Thanks to Prof. Jinyoung Kim for the invitation.

The talk title is "Machine Learning for Autonomous Materials Experimentation." 

[January. 2022] Park delivered an invited talk at  2022 International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Society for Imaging Science and Technology. Thanks to Dr. Doga Gursoy, Argonne National Laboratory for the invitation.

The talk title is "Active Learning for Jump Regression Estimation with Applications to Materials Discovery."

[January. 2022] Data Science for Motion and Time Analysis is now in press on Operations Research. This work is supported by the Brainpool Fellowship from the National Research Foundation - Korea.

The paper is entitled with "Data Science for Motion and Time Analysis with Modern Motion Sensor Data". Here you can download In Press Article.

[July 2021] Work with AFRL on variable selection in Gaussian process regression is now in press on IISE Transactions.

The paper is entitled with "Variable Selection for Gaussian Process Regression through a Sparse Projection". Here you can download In Press Article.

[July 2021] Work with AFRL regarding Gaussian process modeling under control uncertainty is now in press on Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering.

The paper is entitled with "Gaussian Process Surrogate Modeling Under Control Uncertainties for Yield Prediction of Carbon Nanotube Production Processess". Here you can download In Press Article.  

[May 2021] Perspective on autonomous experimentation for materials development is accepted for publication in Matter.

The paper is entitled with "Autonomous Experimentation Systems for Materials Development: A Community Perspective". Here you can download  In Press Article.  

[March 2021] Chen Mu successfully defended his PhD thesis.

The dissertation title is "Electron Tomographic Reconstruction with Sparse Noise Filter and Shape Priors."

[Jan. 2021] Rifat Hasan joined our research group as a PhD student.

He will study statistical modeling and analysis of a population of objects and their temporal changes.

[Feb. 2020] Fast and efficient tomography reconstruction algorithm is now on PR

The paper is entitled with "Sparse Filtered SIRT for electron tomography". Here you can download Published Article.

[Oct. 2019] Paper with Qian, Huang and Ding is now on AOAS

The paper is entitled with "Fast dynamic nonparametric distribution tracking in electron microscopic data." Here you can download Published Article. 

[Jun. 2019] invited review with ding is on MRS Communications

The paper is entitled with "Automating material image analysis for material discovery." Here you can download Published Article.